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Coca cola at night
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Coca cola at night

Published January 25, 2010

This my favorite from this little night shot series. I like how the artificial light puts emphasis on the water drops.
25s | F7.1 | ISO 100 | 39mm | Canon 40D with Tamron 17-50 lens

2 comments to “Coca cola at night”

  1. author: sofia
    February 16th, 2010 at 6:25 am

    you’re back! with a bang!! love this.

  2. author: mexi
    July 6th, 2010 at 12:48 am

    So kann auch ein Alltagsgegenstand, achtlos weggeworfen, ein tolles Motiv abgeben, herrlich die Farben, gefällt !

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