Spoon with ?
Published January 25, 2009
Ok the thing on the left is a spoon. The thing on the right is ? And there is a cigarette filter out of focus in the top right corner.
1/125s | F7.1 | ISO 800 | Canon 40D with Canon 100mm macro lens
Published January 25, 2009
Ok the thing on the left is a spoon. The thing on the right is ? And there is a cigarette filter out of focus in the top right corner.
1/125s | F7.1 | ISO 800 | Canon 40D with Canon 100mm macro lens
I guess it’s a piece of a chain lock for a bike
you know what’s lame? when you have a comment and it tells you that your comment is too short.
to protest this policy, i am withholding my original comment.